给全校外籍教师和国际学生的重要通知 An Important Notice to Chengdu University’s Global Community


Dear members of our global community,


In view of the development of the current outbreak, according to the provincial and municipal government’s requirements of prevention and control of the epidemic, and the spirit and work deployment of the emergency meeting on the morning of December 8th for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in university, we hereby give the following notice and requirements to you in order to ensure the health and safety of each member of our school:

  1.       1. 所有境外师生未接到学校通知一律返校

1. All foreign teachers and students outside China are required not to return to school before receiving the official notice from the school.

2. 所有外籍师生,请继续每日填写健康情况登记表,向所在学院汇报健康状况和旅居史等信息,请勿迟报、漏报、瞒报、谎报特别要根据疫情发展情况,及时报告是否有“中高风险地区旅居史,或与确诊病例、无症状感染者行动轨迹有交集”。

2. All foreign teachers and students are required to keep on filling the health registration form every day, reporting health status and travel history to your colleges. Any delayed, omitted, or false report is not allowed. Particularly, it is important to report whether there is a "history of travel to high or medium-risk areas” or “a history of intersection with the movement of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected persons".

3. 要随时关注自己及家人的健康状况。新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎初期主要以发热、乏力、干咳为主要表现。若出现体温异常、连续咳嗽或相关感冒症状时,国际学生应第一时间上报所在学院班主任外籍教师应第一时间联系合作教师。校内住宿人员立即到校医院就医,校外住宿人员应立即到辖区医院就医。大家应主动告知疫区流动史或病例接触史,绝不可贻误病情。

3. Always attend to the health of yourself and your family members. The initial stage of pneumonia caused by COVID-19 infection is mainly manifested by fever, fatigue, and dry coughs. In case of an abnormal temperature, persistent cough, or flu-related symptoms, international students or teachers must report such a case to your head teacher or co-teacher of the college at the first time, and those living on campus should go to the campus hospital for medical treatment immediately while those living off-campus must go to a regular hospital nearby for medical treatment immediately. You should actively inform the hospital of your travel history or case contact history in the pandemic area so as not to delay the disease.

4. 坚持“非必要不外出”,避免聚会,避免互相串门,避免人群聚集的地方(电影院、KTV、酒吧等公共场所),避免近距离接触流感样症状的患者;如确需到商场、车站、机场、医院等公共场所,务必要正确佩戴口罩,降低感染风险;避免去疫情严重的地区。

4. Sustain on “not going out unless necessary”, avoid gathering, avoid calling at other rooms in the dormitory or apartment, avoid going to crowded arease.g. cinema, KTV, bars, etc., and avoid close contact with patients with flu-like symptoms. If you really need to go to shopping malls, metro stations, airports, hospitals or other public places, make sure to correctly wear masks in order to reduce the risk of infection; avoid going to areas where the pandemic is severe.

5. 国际学生住校者如有必要出校的,需提前向班主任文字请假并获得同意,返校后须在班主任处报备出校前,须在宿舍前台处按要求如实填写登记表,记录地点和返回时间。返校后进入宿舍,请认真配合学校工作人员测量体温。如发现没有登记的、没请假私自出校的或不配合工作人员防疫工作的,第一次将给予口头警告,如有再犯将影响奖学金的评定!

5. International students living on campus must ask for permit from your head teacher before going out of the school, and let the teacher know about your returning while you are back. Before leaving, you also should truthfully fill in the registration form at the dormitory management front deck as required, including the specific destination and return time. Please work in cooperation with the staff with the temperature check when you are back into the dormitory. If any student is found to be unregistered or out of school without telling head teacher or fail to cooperate with epidemic prevention, the student will be given a verbal warning for the first time, and any further offenses may affect the evaluation of your scholarship!


6.For international teachers and students living off-campus in Chengdu, please make sure your current living address and related information are authentic and accurate. Please keep close contact with your head teacher or co-teacher, it is of paramount importance for us to be able to reach you, help you, and be responsible for your health and safety in case of emergency.

7. 请大家佩戴口罩、勤洗手、多通风,保持一米以上社交距离,养成良好生活习惯,适度加强锻炼,提高身体免疫力。

7. Please wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, and maintain a distance of at least one meter when you are talking to someone, develop good living habits, exercise appropriately, and improve your immunity.


8.During the pandemic, it is necessary to keep a positive and open attitude. Please pay close attention to official information about the epidemic, do not believe in rumors and do not spread rumors. Please hold it that all official information shall prevail.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We wish all members of our global community stay safe and healthy, and succeed in work and study!



                                                                       Chengdu University Office of International Cooperation and Exchange

                                                                      December 11th , 2020

上一篇:关于美术与设计学院2021届国际硕士研究生 毕业论文预答辩的通知 Thesis Pre-defense Arrangement for 2019 International Master

